Enterprise Report Manager



About e-Report Manager

eReportManager is an enterprise solution for reporting domain. This application is fully developed using J2EE technologies and it hides the reporting engine implmentatation to the client


This project is aimed at providing an enterprise reporting solution. In any application which requires reporting solutions, complexity arises when the application needs to maintain the report. This application reduce the burden of maintaining the report. e-reportmanager provides maintainance of reports. It gathers all information about the report and stores the report template in its repository. When the client request for a particular report e-reportmanager retrieves the template from its repository, generates the report and distribute the report to client. e-reportmanager also provides Scheduling feature. Client can use this feature for scheduling a report to run at particular time.

e-reportmanager runs on an Application Server. It stores the metadata of the report in database and stores the report template in its repository. Here filesystem acts as e-reportmanager repository. e-reportmanager also supports XML as database.

Any J2EE Application [Client] can design a report and they deploys the report in e-reportmanager. e-reportmanager maintains a repository of reports. While deployment of reports e-reportmanager gathers all information of the report and updates it system. When the Client request for the particular report, e-reportmanager generates the report in the requested format and distributes the report either physically or by email. e-reportmanager also maintains a cache which reduces the regeneration of the same report twice. Client can schedule the report to run at particular time.

Not Scoped for Now

Future Road Map

e-reportmanger will also provide custom reporting engine and report designer for designing the reports.

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